Abstract\n Background and Objective: Zarrineh Roud river which, is also named Cham Choghatoo is one of the most important and longest rivers of Euromieh Lake watershed area which, is originated from Kurdistan’s Chehel Cheshmeh Mountains and eventually pours into Euromieh Lake. One of its’ important usage is for drinking and farming which, unfortunately due to its’ pollution with different natural and man- made pollutant , makes the quality monitoring of its water under special importance and attention . In this study, we review quality of this river.\n Method: In this study we have measured 13 parameters of DO, FC, pH, BOD, changing in temperature, total phosphate, total nitrate, chloride, TDS, EC, Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium in two seasons of spring and winter of year 1389 (2011), then based on this, quality of water has been analyzed based on NSFWQI index and Wilcox method.\n Findings: In most of the times, in both seasons of spring and winter, amounts of NSFWQI index are in good range and only in two cases, in each season, index were in average range. Also based on results of Wilcox method in both seasons, majority of stations were at C2S1 range, in some cases also these amounts were at C3S1 range. Only in Station Ghale Bozorg in spring amount of salinity was in C4 range.\n Conclusion: In most cases, water of Zarrineh Roud is appropriate for farming, fish farming, animal drinking , leisure usage and drinking ( after normal filtering)